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Launch of new IBE Board Briefing - Ethics and Section 172: key questions for informed board decision-making


19 February 2020


8:00 Registration for 8.30 start. Finish by 09.45


Financial Reporting Council (FRC)
8th Floor, 
125 London Wall, 
London, EC2Y 5AS


Institute of Business Ethics - IBE

You are invited to the launch of the Institute of Business Ethics ('IBE') latest Board Briefing to be held at the Financial Reporting Council ('FRC') offices on Wednesday 19 February 2020. The Briefing will be looking through an ethical lens at the questions Boards need to ask themselves about fulfilling their duties under Section 172 of the Companies Act 2006.

This Briefing offers practical guidance to help directors reflect on how they are fulfilling their duties under Section 172 and how they might report on this in their new Section 172(1) Statement. Directors need to embrace the benefits of new reporting requirements.

 Stephanie Bates, its author will briefly present Ethics and Section 172 findings which unpick the six key elements of S172 and present a dozen key questions for a director to consider, as well as a practical framework for good decision-making based on ethical values.

 A discussion afterwards will be led by the Chair for the event, Iain Anderson, Chairman of Cicero/AMO and this will be followed by a panel discussion and Q&A.

We are delighted that The Financial Reporting Council has kindly agreed to host this event in their offices at the above address.

Please reply to by Friday 14 February. 




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