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NEDs and Boards – the lessons learnt and next steps coming out of the current crisis


18 June 2020


13.00 – 14.00


On-line Webinar

NEDA and Willis Towers Watson are hosting an on-line Webinar to consider how boards have coped in the current environment, especially considering how life might look post Covid-19. What are the issues for NEDs as board directors?... what have boards learnt about themselves?.... and what are the questions NEDs should now be asking their boards and the executive team?

The session will be led by Graham Durgan, NEDA Chairman, who will chair a lively discussion considering the impact of the current pandemic situation on NEDs and board directors.

Graham will be in conversation with:

  • Angus Duncan, Executive Director, FINEX, Directors & Officers, Willis Towers Watson – who will look at the broader director responsibilities in dealing with the unfolding situation, particularly where businesses are having to deal with fundamental viability issues.
  • Francesca Ecsery, Portfolio Non-Executive Director, currently a NED at  F&C Investment Trust plc, Marshall Motor Holdings plc, Share plc and Air France – who will bring her broad range of boardroom experience to consider how NEDs and boards have coped to date, together with thoughts on the way forward.
  • Estelle Clark, NED, Trustee and Governance, Assurance & Improvement Strategist, Strategic Arrow Limited, Chartered Quality Institute, Engineering Council and UKAS – who will consider how businesses need to be approaching the getting back to work or ‘recovery phase’, especially understanding the questions that need to be asked by NEDs and boards.

Please book your place for the event by contacting:






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