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NEDs in FS: Focus Event on Foreign banks

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Tuesday 15 October 2024


17:00 - 20:00 (GMT)


Herbert Smith Freehills LLP - Exchange House, 12 Primrose Street
London, England, EC2A 2EG


NEDs in FS


No Fee (included in AFB membership)

NEDs at foreign banks are faced with complex, often competing expectations from the parent organisation and local regulatory requirements. The first ‘Focus’ event from NEDs in FS is designed with these boards in mind.

Hosted by NEDs in FS in partnership with the Association of Foreign Banks and Herbert Smith Freehills, the in-person event is an opportunity to share opinions and experiences with peers in similar roles. 

The event will cover issues flagged by NEDs from international banks, where they experience challenges due to their responsibilities to the company and the expectations of the regulators. The aim of the discussion is to assist attendees in benchmarking against other NEDs, sharing their perspectives. 

The forum will be led by Clive Cunningham, partner at Herbert Smith Freehills, in keeping with Chatham House Rules. It will take place from 17:30 from 19:30, with registration and refreshments from 17:00. An agenda setting out questions for discussion will be circulated to registrants in advance of the forum. 

Make sure to register for this uniquely focussed opportunity for NEDs at UK subsidiary or UK incorporated entities of AFB member banks. 

About NEDs in FS

NEDs in FS specialises in the unique challenges of non-executive directors in Financial Service Firms. They provide an independent forum for them to meet and compare notes, whilst promoting ideas that serve as a catalyst for change both within a firm and in the industry at large. 

They are in the process of setting up a steering group to help drive how the development of NEDs in FS. Get in touch here if you would like to be involved. 



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