The last few weeks have seen an unprecedented escalation of concern and anxiety due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus.
Following detailed conversations on a variety of options, which we have been engaged in over the last couple of days, the very difficult decision has been made to take the ‘no regret’ option and cancel this year’s event. Safeguarding the health of our guests and reducing the risk of spreading the Coronavirus is of paramount importance to us, and all of the other sponsors of the event. Apologies for the late notice but we hope that you understand and support our position.
We congratulate the shortlisted 2020 candidates and thank everyone who year on year get involved in the great work of the NED Awards.
The 2020 winners will be announced in the Sunday Times this weekend in a special NED Awards supplement.
We will be in touch over the summer to invite you to the launch event for 2021 where we can celebrate the success of the 2020 winners.
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