Why attend?
- Deepen your understanding of your role, responsibility and obligations in overseeing your organisation’s whistleblowing arrangements and when you uncover, or are informed about, wrongdoing or malpractice within your organisation.
- Achieve a culture where staff feel able to raise concerns.
- Consider and determine whether your whistleblowing arrangements are working in practice.
- Meet, share ideas and learn from your peers in other organisations.
What does the session cover?
- Whistleblowing obligations of Trustees, NEDs and Governors.
- Understanding why NEDs, trustees and governors need to ensure effective oversight of their organisation’s whistleblowing arrangements.
- Escalating whistleblowing concerns and the legal protection afforded when doing so.
- Overseeing whistleblowing arrangements from the top.
- Monitoring the success of whistleblowing policies and procedures.
Who should attend?
This masterclass is aimed at NEDs, Trustees and Governors.
To book the session and to obtain the NEDA rate email: business@protect-advice.org.uk with a subject of " NEDA training booking”, non-members book using the 'Book Now' link above.