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MM&K: Life in the Boardroom Report 2023- 2024 now published

MM&K has conducted its Chair and Non-Executive Director Survey (Life in the Boardroom) for 33 years. It is unique as data is collected directly from Directors themselves, rather than from company staff or annual reports. This provides a more accurate picture of board practices and pay.

MM&K has now published its 2023-2024 Life in the Boardroom report, a “must have” for all Non-Executive Directors. The 80+ page unique report provides a detailed and accurate picture from the people who experience life in the boardroom first-hand.

For the 2023-2024 survey, data was collected from 316 participants representing a total of 788 board appointments. The report includes information on:

  • Directors’ fees
  • Director time commitments
  • Board effectiveness
  • Board governance
  • Other current Board issues, including use of technology, ESG and working practices post-COVID-19 pandemic.

Who would benefit from the report?

  • Current NEDs
  • Those aspiring to become NEDs
  • Boards and their HR departments seeking to recruit NEDs
  • Those advising companies on the recruitment and remuneration of NEDs
  • Organisations established to support businesses and their directors.

This year MM&K has partnered with ‘NEDA’ – the Non-Executive Directors’ Association, as well as First Flight (the Non-Executive and Chair Search Firm); Women on Boards (the leading network of board ready candidates); and Board Excellence (a specialist board effectiveness and performance practice).

To obtain your free copy of the preview report click on this link:

The cost of this year's full, comprehensive report is £1,000, but MM&K are pleased to extend a special offer to all NEDA members, allowing access at a 50% discounted rate of £500. To ensure they can benefit from this offer, please send an email to: and include the discount code: NEDA-LIB2324.

To find out more about the report click on this link.




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