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Non-Executive Directors
– Make 2023 the year for Speaking Up

This year marks 25 years of whistleblowing law in the UK and the profile of whistleblowing has never been higher.  Non-Executive Directors will rightly want to know how their organisation listens to and acts on whistleblowing concerns. 

Whistleblowing is a vital risk management tool – staff are the best early warning system for identifying wrongdoing or malpractice.  ‘Speaking up’ can stop harm to finances, reputations, lives and livelihoods so should be high on the Board agenda.  

Indeed, the UK Corporate Governance Code recommends that Boards should assess and monitor culture, and that staff should be able to raise any matters of concern. But how can NEDs assess whether their organisation is fostering a responsible ‘speaking up’ culture?

Elizabeth Gardiner, Chief Executive, Protect, a new associate firm of NEDA, sets out in a ‘thought leadership’ article a consideration of the 5 key questions NEDs should be asking. To find out more you can also sign up to a webinar on 24 May 2023 when Protect is offering a two-hour masterclass: “Encouraging Whistleblowing as a Trustee, NED or Governor” – which will include input from NEDA CEO Louis Cooper.

To read more on ‘Non-Executive Directors – Make 2023 the year for Speaking Up’ please click on the link.


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