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Activism hits the your board ready? Post Event Briefing Document

This briefing document highlights the main discussion areas from the Shareholder Activism event, held in collaboration with Hogan Lovells & Boudicca on 17th April 2018.


Activist investors, a well-established feature of the US investment scene, are now increasingly at large in the UK. By applying well-rehearsed routines, activists can quickly connect with major investors as well as proxy advisors to increase their influence and press for change. 

By contrast, many company boards could be caught completely off guard by an activist approach or campaign. Not all boards have the experience necessary to handle such situations effectively, and non-executive directors need to understand the challenges presented if boards are to avoid events unfolding against them.

The event at Hogan Lovells looked at Shareholder Activism from a number of perspectives.

The key speakers were:

  • Louis Cooper, CEO, The Non-Executive Directors' Association
  • Jonathan Baird, Partner, Hogan Lovells
  • Sheryl Cuisia, Managing Director, Boudicca Proxy Consultants
  • Robert Legget, Chairman, Progressive Value Management Ltd










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