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2021 Anti-Bribery and Corruption Report

Kroll analyzed global data from 200 senior risk professionals to gain insights into the current ABC landscape and trends for the upcoming year.

Kroll’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Benchmarking Report 2021is the result of a survey of 200 executives conducted earlier this year across the globe, offers thoughtful insights into the state of anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) programs worldwide for the 10th consecutive year.

This year, with the world in flux, they eagerly anticipated reviewing the results of our survey. One year into the pandemic, we regarded this as an especially opportune time to understand and evaluate strengths, weaknesses and emerging trends in ABC programs across the globe. Additionally, this year, the survey not only delved into the views on the efficiency of ABC programs, but also probed further into the critical challenges faced by ABC compliance officers in our ever-changing world.

Read the report in full by clicking here.



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