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Business Continuity and Operational Resilience

Preparing for the easing of restrictions and beyond - how should law firms and employees prepare for a crisis?

It is fair to say that the events of March 2020 turned our everyday lives upside down and were unprecedented. As we have now reached the one year anniversary of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), one thing the crisis has taught us is the importance of contingency planning and preparing for the unexpected.

The crisis brought the issue of contingency planning and operational resilience to the fore. Businesses over the last 12 months will have had to evaluate and enforce their business continuity programmes by adapting their operations, embracing new technology and becoming more agile in order to safeguard against the challenges caused by the pandemic. For some organisations, such programmes were being implemented for the first time.

Law firms are required to have appropriate contingency plans in place and to continue meeting the high standards expected by members of the public. Law firms need to keep these contingency plans in place, and update them regularly to ensure they are prepared for future crises.  

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