In the inaugural instalment of NEDA’s Book Club, we take a closer look at Board Intelligence’s recent release on building critical thinking throughout a team or organisation. The Collective Intelligence Book is a must-read for NEDs looking to foster a smarter business.
“An essential guide to help leaders tap their organisation’s full potential” ~ Daniel H. Pink - New York Times bestselling author
‘Collective Intelligence’ refers to the idea that an organisation’s smarts are greater than the sum of its intellectual parts. Enduringly successful companies don’t rely on a genius CEO; rather, they systematically empower everyone to apply themselves to the things that matter the most.
From the co-CEOs of ‘Board Intelligence’, The Collective Intelligence Book looks at how directors can best tap into the vast reservoir of brainpower that sits beneath them.
Board Intelligence’s development of the Question Driven Insight (QDI) Principle marks a distinctive methodology to build and sustain collective intelligence, both in an individual team and an organisation at large, allowing businesses to grow whilst remaining nimble.
There are countless ways in which this book offers invaluable expertise for NEDs, from insights into developing strategic focus and effective business communication, to guidance on converting great thinking into action and escaping conventions that are holding businesses back.
The guide is authored by the co-CEOs of Board Intelligence, a mission-led technology firm that works with more than 3,000 organisations globally - from Fortune 500s to government departments - to help them unleash their collective intelligence. With backgrounds in strategy consulting and financial services, the authors Jen and Pippa are award-winning entrepreneurs, and were named EY London Entrepreneur of the Year and The Times’ Young Business Woman of the Year.
Learn More
To purchase the book, and access Board Intelligence’s blogs and videos about the grounding principles, follow the link here.
About Board Intelligence
Board Intelligence’s mission is to help all boards and leadership teams to be a powerful driver of performance and force for good. Their board portal software provides a highly secure platform where board members can view, comment, and collaborate on their board documents - in real time, on any device, and with absolute peace of mind that the board papers and discussions are secure.