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WTW 11th Annual Directors and Officers Liability Insurance Survey

It is that that time of the year where WTW ask you to complete their 10-minute Directors' and Officers' SurveyYour input really matters.

It is hoped you found the results from the last WTW Directors' and Officers' Liability Survey Report useful; the insights gathered from past surveys have been a game-changer for directors and officers worldwide, spanning various industries. Your responses have fuelled the commitment of WTW to provide credible data, empowering decision-makers like you.

2023 has seen significant shifts in inflation rates and geopolitical dynamics. The fluidity of the current landscape underscores the importance of an informed approach to risk management, so having your input into this survey is ever more important. This survey provides a platform for you to share your views on the most pertinent challenges.

Recognising the ongoing importance of cyber-related risks, the survey once again brings together a collaboration with WTW cyber-specialists to gain comprehensive insights into this critical aspect of risk management.

The survey will be open for a limited time, closing on Thursday 30 November 2023, so please do take the time to complete the survey at your soonest convenience.

To complete the survey please click on this link.





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