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Ethical Concerns and Lapses 2018

The IBE has published its annual analysis of business ethics news stories from last year – which were the sectors and issues most in the news in 2018? 


In 2018, the IBE captured 464 stories reporting on ethical lapses and concerns in relation to business. The technology, financial and professional services sectors received the most news coverage. Across all sectors, issues on treatment of employees and behaviour and culture drew most media attention.

This Briefing provides an overview of the ethical concerns and lapses that were recorded in the IBE’s weekly media monitoring throughout 2018. It attempts to give an overview of which sectors and issues related to business ethics were most covered in the news. Last year, we recorded a total number of 464 different stories involving lapses of companies with a UK presence. This analysis focuses both on lapses by sector and the type of ethical issues observed.

Click the Download button above to download a copy of the report.



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